Well it has been a long time since I posted anything here.
I have been extremely busy with a number of projects, my latest novel was released in November and of course Christmas got in the way. For someone suffering chronic illness Christmas has to be approached like a military operation. Energy has to be stored up and used very carefully or I will not make it through without a health crash.
In December my work switches from writing to carving and markets. Each market takes a couple of days to recover from and the rest of the week is a balancing act between carving and resting. Unfortunately this year I pushed myself too hard and ended up floored. With Christmas looking very iffy indeed, I somehow managed to pull through in time to enjoy the week. It did however give me plenty of time to plan a new range of animal carvings.
The adventures of MeSelf are still underway but I have decided I am going to move him over to a dedicated page on my website.
The project has rapidly developed into the basis of a new children's book, a totally new direction for me.
I seem to be full of new directions lately. I also wrote my first non fiction book in time for Christmas, which I released under my normal name. The book is a guide for making polymer clay wizards - something I used to do years ago and have been asked about quite a few times. Whilst I am happy enough with the way the book turned out, the costs of producing a full colour book have forced the price to be much higher than I had originally envisioned. I am not convinced enough that it is a viable project to continue. Still I eagerly wait to be proved wrong.
I also have another non fiction book idea floating around in my head but this one will be entirely different again. More news on this one later in the year if I decide to go ahead with it.
So, that is it for now. In the meantime why not take a look at my website?
Nelly Harper - Welcome to my Fantasy World
For news on all my books, including non fiction.
Goblin House